Welcome to the Summer in the City Festival
The Summer in the City Festival will take place from June 12-14, 2025. Once available, details will be posted to this website.
To view an enlarged map detailing the festival location, as well as available parking, click the image below.

2024 Summer in the City Festival Itinerary
Thursday, June 13, 2024 – Parade
- Midway Games, Rides, Food, Attractions - 5-10PM
- Parade Staging - 5:30PM
- Parade Step-Off - 6:30PM
- Midway Ribbon Cutting - 7:30PM
- Kid’s FunTime - Face Painting & Balloon Artists 7-9PM
- Ace Molar - Blues &aqmp; Classic Rock - City Hall Park Stage - 7:30PM-10PM
Bring your favorite blanket or chair to enjoy the concert on the lawn
- Event Closes - 10PM
Friday, June 14, 2024
- Midway Games, Rides, Food, Attractions - 5-10PM
- Kid’s FunTime - Face Painting & Balloon Artists - 7:30-9PM
- Bronx Country - Rockin' Country Music - City Hall Park Stage - 7:30PM-9:30PM
Bring your favorite blanket or chair to enjoy the concert on the lawn
- Event Closes - 10PM
Saturday, June 15, 2024 – Fireworks Night
- Midway Games, Rides, Food, Attractions - Noon-10PM
- Cleveland Monsters & Cleveland Charge Games and Contests - Noon-8PM
- Parkway Dance Performance 1PM-2:00PM
- Kid’s FunTime - Face Painters, Balloon Artists, Stilt Walkers - 2-7PM
- Magic - Bob the Magician - 2PM
- Corn Hole Tournament - 2PM
- Team Mascots -Featuring the Browns Chomps and Others! - 2-4PM
- Oreo Cookie Stacking, Water Balloon Toss - 3PM
- Wanted - Bon Jovi Tribute - City Hall Park Stage - 8-10PM
Bring your favorite blanket or chair to enjoy the concert on the lawn
- Fireworks at Dark - 10PM
- Event Closes - 11PM
* Parade Staging Area – (5:00-6:00 p.m.) will be on the Southland Shopping Center’s South parking lot, next to the former Burlington Building along Smith Road, behind Krispy Kreme Donuts.
Parade Step-off – starts promptly at 6:30pm beginning at the intersection of Pearl Road and Smith Road. Traveling South on Pearl Road turning right (west) onto Bagley Road. The parade ends at the entrance drive of The Middleburg Heights Community Center.
All times are approximate and may change.